Tricks and Tips for caching
Tricks and Tips for Caching
Because no one can take what they cannot find
I’ve put together this webpage to
share a few little tricks that I’ve learned over the years. It’s a
little haphazard and disorganized but I’m hopeful that this page might
save you some time, money or frustration.
Don’t underestimate good old-fashioned
Zip-Loc brand (not generic or any other brand but ZIP-LOC brand
double-zipper) baggies in either quart or gallon size. These things are
great; cheap and totally watertight.
burying a single flashdrive or a few pieces of jewelry? Use the
simplest version of my Bell Method. Take a Vitamin Water bottle like
this one that I found in the corner of my garage.
your flashdrive into a Zip-Loc baggie, seal it and then drop that
baggie into another one. Leave just enough air so that the flashdrive
would float and slip it into the bottle.
the cap on firmly, bury the bottle upside down and boom! Just like
that, you’ll have a cache that will last remain secure for many years. A
bottle this size should be good-to-go for a depth of no more than 24
inches, any deeper and the weight of the dirt could crush it. Be sure to
bury it upside down so if the cap does leak, water still won’t get in.
Need to shield it from EMP?…just wrap it in aluminum foil or copper
mesh; FYI the copper mesh is best since it’s the better conductor. Total
cost is probably less than 5 bucks, it requires no tools and it will
protect your flashdrive for many years.
can see by the last photo, that the flashdrive itself is lodged near
the bottom of the bottle. This is ideal since the Vitamin Water bottler
will be upside-down, placing the usb drive near the top of the bell.
SanDisk makes a model called the “Extreme” and it has solid reviews for both reliability and durability.
When using plastic drinking bottles to
cache your valuables underground, do NOT use clouded plastic containers
like milk jugs. Liquids like milk and motor oil are usually bottled in
HDPE marked as #2 on the SPI recycling label. This label is located on
the bottom of every plastic container; it has 3 arrows in the shape of a
triangle and usually says, “Please recycle.” Drinking containers and
small bottles made from HDPE plastics will crack, split and break apart
very quickly (within a year). Stick with clear plastics; PET/PETE or #1
on the SPI recycling label…
remember that this rule applies only to drinking containers like milk
jugs. I believe most 5-gallon buckets are HDPE or #2 on the SPI
recycling label and I’ve used plenty of them over the years; when using
Tupperware or Rubbermaid type products, look for a #5 on the SPI label.
If you are looking to safeguard
important photographs or documents, just bury them in your yard for
convenience. Remove any staples or paper clips and use only plastics to
cache them. Without any metals present, they would be virtually
invisible to most technology. You could actually tell your neighbors
that you had valuable documents buried in your garden or flower bed; and
anything short of ground penetrating radar would be useless in locating
I rummaged through my garage today and
found several items worth mentioning. I found an old cooler with a lid
and it’s just perfect for depths of up to about 3 or 4 feet.
it upside-down and make sure you bury it with the lid. Without the lid,
the weight of overhead soil will slowly push it deeper, displacing
precious air. Place your valuables in waterproof containers on the lid
of the cooler. If the cooler does not remain level, it won’t matter at
all because any water entering along the bottom will just make these two
Outdoor Products dry boxes float.
also found an old garden spray bottle with a broken nozzle. Instead of
throwing it away, one could roll up documents, jewelry or flashdrives in
Zip-Loc’s and bury it upside-down using my Bell Method.
it on a piece of wood to prevent dirt from being pushed up inside.
Garden sprayers like these are long lasting and very tough. I’m just
guessing, but it could probably withstand depths deeper than most of us
care to dig. Just as I did with the cooler, I used a ratchet strap to
secure the package as one piece. You can count on a quality ratchet
strap lasting about three years underground.
remember that just as in everything else in life, creativity counts;
some preppers get creative and use tire nozzles to purge their PVC pipe
caches with nitrogen and leave 3-5lbs PSI of pressure inside the tube.
Without oxygen, nothing can rust or oxidize; and with constant internal
pressure, you are guaranteed not to have any water leaking in.
This may sound paranoid, but watch
your air cover. There are more eyes in the sky than we realize and all
of the precautions in the world won’t matter a bit if there is a photo
of you on Google Maps digging a hole in a field
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