About Me
Why this site is different
Because no one can take what they cannot findPelican is the only flashlight that I will use; they make excellent products and if you can afford to buy their waterproof storage cases with the current state of the economy, then kudos. But you don’t need to spend hundreds of dollars on a box when you can spend hundreds of dollars on stuff to put in the box. On this website, I will show you how to use Tupperware containers, Zip-Loc baggies and a few bricks to easily accomplish the same task. I will also explain how to use empty US military-issue ammo cans to shield your buried electronics from EMP and how to use sewer pipe to safety bury just about anything that will fit inside it.
The content of this website was not outsourced. I’ve personally written every word and I plan on adding more, a lot more. One doesn’t see very many knowledgeable websites dedicated to burying items underground and over the years, I have only seen a few pages myself. Some of these sites have good advice and some do not. If you are an experienced survivalist, then you may not learn very much from my site as I’ve geared it toward beginners. If you are a beginner, then you should know that the reason this website is different is simply because I am here. I am not normally a boastful person but I have been stashing stuff underground for a long time … and I am very good at it.
Please be aware that I will not knowingly help any person break the law or commit any crime. You should also know that I am new to prepping, I don’t even own a gun. I prefer archery or crossbow hunting and aside from a few extra AA batteries, I don’t hoard much of anything at all. Although I am in the process of making the transition to survival prepper, my current buried cache consists only of a few personal items and a single HDD containing my laptop’s backup files; which I will use as a step-by-step guide on this website.
If you have questions, comments or suggestions, please don’t hesitate to click on the Contact Me page of this website or message me on Twitter.
This is something that I’ve been doing for most of my life; it’s an activity that I enjoy and I will gladly give helpful advice or accept constructive criticism. My intentions are quite simply to help you protect your valuables and I plan to be personally available online as frequently as possible.
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